Saturday, September 15, 2018

Interesting place in England

         Hello all! how are you. I hope you all have a good day. Today, in my third entry I want share you about interesting place in England. Enland is a country that part is of united kingdoms and also famous destination in tourism at Euro.

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       Firstly, I choose London city as interesting place in England. London is a capital city of England and famous destination for tourist to visiting. Thare are many place your can visit at london city for examples National gellery. National gellery is a top art museums in the world and showing the popular painting from 1260 until 1920. London also famous with the shopping complete for examples Trafalgarsquare, whiteleys,
brunswick centre and more.

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   Secondly, England also famous with football league or their call premier league. It famous because have many star player and the game very perfects. There are many fans from around world comes to give support to their club for example Liverpool, Arsenal, Mancester united, Chelsea and more.Tourist also can visiting the stadium and wathing the live game.
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       Third, likes another country England also have a natural places for examples the lake distrit. The lake located at National Park in UK. Thare are many thing you can do at the lake for examples, photography, hiking, ourdoor aventures, and more.

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      Lastly, i hope you enjoy with my post and get something from this. Thanks you.
                            written by : farid

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Interesting place in England

         Hello all! how are you. I hope you all have a good day. Today, in my third entry I want share you about interesting place in Eng...