Saturday, September 15, 2018

 Hello guys, so this is my thirdly entry about interesting place around the world and the country that I choose is Philippines.


Image result for boracay island

     So this is the main attraction at the Phillippines is Borocay island. Borocay island is small island but not size we want to compare about but about the special of this island. this island is very beautiful the water is crystal clear and the beach is so clean. Many activities can you do in this island for example kayaking,snorkeling, ans sailboat. At the evening you can see the very beautiful sunset and can make you realise stress. At the night you can go to their night market to buy souvenir and food. Beach at night so lively so many show and activities. I am very suggest to tourist for come here.

Image result for mayon volcano

 This is the second interesting place in Philippines that is Mayon volcano. This are many volcano in the Philippines and Mayon are the most active volcano at there. As you can see the shape of this volcano is cone. There are many activities can tourist do when they go to this volcano such as camping, hiking, bird watching and photography. Who tourist want to hiking you must have suitable clothes and shoes because the road on this volcano is slippering and many rock. You also must must strong mental and physical. For tourist want to bird and animal watching they will see the bizarre bird and others animal species that you never know about.

Image result for tubbataha reef

 Tubbataha reef is the most popular place in the Philippines. This reef is under the Sulu sea and this Tubbataha reef is only open in April to june month because the wave are slow. When you come here you can dive and see the beautiful reef. You will see the bizarre reef you have never know and see. This reef is never touch and destroy by human hand. In addiction you can also see the others marine life for example fish, squid, and crab.

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Interesting place in England

         Hello all! how are you. I hope you all have a good day. Today, in my third entry I want share you about interesting place in Eng...