Wednesday, September 12, 2018

Interesting Horror Places To visits(Queen Mary, Long Beach, California)

Ok guys, today i'm gonna talk about one haunted place in America that located in California, Long beach. Its about a haunted ship that were placed for the ship is no longer in service now used as luxury hotel.

Queen Mary hotel

RMS Queen Mary was a colassal ship that was bigger, faster and more powerfull then the Titanic that was sunked due to iceberg in 1912. The 1,000-foot ship start their construction in 1930 at John Brown Shipyard in Clyde, Scotland. The fall of the econmy or The Great Depression held up the progress of the construction between 1931 and 1934. Then the mighty ship finish it construction on May 27, 1936.

For three years, this ocean liner hosted the rich and famous across the Atlantic including the likes of the Duke and Duchess of Windsor, Greta Garbor, Clark Gable, David Niven, Mary Pickford, George and Ira Gershwin and Sir Winston Churchill. This ship was considered as upper class to be the civilized way to travel, it also known to be the fastest ship at that time. The ship end its service in 1967.

Now the haunting part hehehe👻👻👻

The hotel and museum attracts thousands of visitors every year, there was also unearthly guests over the years. In fact, some said that the hotel was the most haunted places in the world with 150 spirit known lurking in the ship. 49 death was reported over the past 60 years, the Queen Mary also has gone through war in 1946 by transporting war brides and their children from America to Canada. 

The hotspot of paranormal activity is located at the engine room which is 50feet below the sea level. The room was used to be a set for Poseidon Adventure movie filming set, the room infamous ''Door 13" have been reported to crushing at least two people to death in the past history. The most recent death on the ship was during watertight water drill routine in 1966 which lead to 18 years old crewman crushed by the door death.

Queen Mary engine room
Other top haunted spot was in first and second class pool on the ship. The pool was no longer used for more than three decades but the spirit said otherwise. There was reported that a women in a 1930's swimsuit wondering the decks near the pool. Some also reported that they heard splashing sound and spied a wet footprint leading to the changing room. Other said they saw young girl spirit clutching her teddy bear. 

Queen Mary pool area
In the second class poolroom, the spirit of little girl name Jackie was often been seen and heard near the pool. Allegedly, the unfortunate girl was drowned in the pool during the ships sailing days and reputedly refused to move on, as her voice and sometime her laughter have been captured there. However, author and paranormal investigator, Cher German point out theres was no reported drowning incident in the pool but said that the spirit of Jackie does exist.

Ok Guys, i hope you all enjoy my entree. Im sorry for any wrongdoing in my writing because im still new in this kind of thing. See yaa!!!

Written by Man 

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