Tuesday, September 11, 2018

Interesting Horror places to visits (Castle of Good Hope, Cape town, South Africa)

Hey guys, im back for my third entry about interesting horror places to visits in the world. Today Im gonna share with you guys about Castle of Good Hope in Cape Town, South Africa.

Castle Of Good Hope entrance

This castle was built between 1666 and 1679 by the Dutch East India Company to serve as a supply area for ships sailing by the Cape of Good Hope. It was a center of civilian, administrative and military life at the cape, until the settlement grew and some function and activities moved away from the castle. This castle replace an older fort called Fort de Geode Hoop which is made out of timber and clay and built in 1652 by Jan Van Riebeeck on his arrival at the cape. This Castle is also the largest building in South Africa.

Overview of Castle Of Good Hope

Pentagon Building in America overview

As you can see in the picture, the design shape is similar to pentagon shape and also has the same design to Pentagon building design in America.

The castle used to have a dungeon for the prisoner at that time. The moat around the castle will fill with water from the sea at high tide. Donker Gat or Black hole was the cell name used to torture the prisoner. The cell also doesn't have any window for the prisoner to breath fresh air. During the winter flood, the water rosed three foot within a minute, drowning some of the inmate that were chainded to the wall. Slave, outlaws and rebellius natives were excecuted within the castle for trying to escape.

                                                   the chain used to chained inmates

In 1915, there was a ghostly figure stand about 6foot 5inches tall seen in battlements then happen again in 1947, walking between Leerdam and Oranje bastions and leaning over the parapet looking into Darling street. Lady Anne Barnard was the most romantic ghost ever reported where she resided in late eighteenth century as the colony First lady. She made the large hall at the residence into a beautiful ballroom where here transparent ghost is said to be seen to parties are being held in honor of important person.

Well thats all for today. Thanks for giving your time to read my entry

witten by, Man

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         Hello all! how are you. I hope you all have a good day. Today, in my third entry I want share you about interesting place in Eng...