Monday, August 27, 2018


Hello everyone, so this is my first entry and my first i'm blogging. As we know there are many interesting places in our world we can visit and explore. For my first post i want to share to you all about interesting places in Italy.
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  Firstly, one of interesting places in Italy is Venice. Venice or has been known as "The Floating City" is very unique place in the world, this because the Venice city is floating on the water. The arts of building around the city show origins of  "Middle Ages" and "Renaissance Ages". In the past Venice is very important of commerce for silk grain and spice. The population of Venice is around 271,663 in [2003]. The main transportation in Venice is boat, u can see scenery of Venice City by taking taxi boat. For tourists who like to take photo, Venice the right place to visit.


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   Second interesting place in Italy is, Rome. Rome was the very historic place in the world. Rome was the capital city in Italy and population in Rome is about 3.7 million people. At first Rome was opened by "Romulus" in 753 century. Rome was the best civilization between "Yunani'', Indus, India and China. Rome have many unique and historic building, for example "Coliseum" like photo on top. Coliseum actually place for warrior to fighting in the past. When tourists come to "Coliseum" building they will stunned and shock with this beautiful building have mankind creating. Many film director who use this building for making action and fighting film. Coliseum has already listed by UNESCO as a world heritage site.  


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 The last one is Piazza Dei Miracoli, this building is many history and unique.For who never know and never come here I suggest to come here. You will get new experiance and also get more information about this building. You can take the picture of this building. Piazza Dei Miracoli have four building for example pisa tower, katedral pisa, baptisterium pisa and composanto monumentele. So I suggest tourist to come to this place.

                    Writen by; AFIQ

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         Hello all! how are you. I hope you all have a good day. Today, in my third entry I want share you about interesting place in Eng...