Monday, August 27, 2018

Intersting place in japan


     Hello everyone, I hope you in good day. Today, in my secondly entry i want share you about interesting places in Japan. Japan is a island country and located at pacific ocean  in Asia. Japan also famous with the called of  "Land Of The Rising Sun".

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     Firstly, I choose Fuji mountain as a interest place in japan. Fuji moutain is a taller mountain in Japan at 377.24m and famous destination to visiting . It is a symbol of japan and also famous picture in painting in japan .There are many activities can tourist do for examples climbing, visiting organic tea farm, and enjoy the view of Fuji mountain.

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          Secondly, I choose Tokyo city as interesting place in Japan. Tokyo city is right place for who want spend time with family because it have many best destination for examples, shopping complete, museums,park and more. If you hungry you can go to sushi restaurant and try it. Sushi is famous japanese food and the taste is very nice. Next you also can visiting a Tokyo Tower, it is a highest tower in tokyo and famous destination for who come to Japan.                                                                                                                    

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     Third, I choose a ishigaki beach and it located at Okinawa. Ishigaki is a japan premier beach destination and it is best place to explore. You also can go swimming at beach and take a some photo for your memories. If your hungry, you can try a seafood likes fish ,crab,shirp,eel and more at the restorans.

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   Lastly, i hope your guys happy with my post and get something from this. That all from me ,Thanks you.

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         Hello all! how are you. I hope you all have a good day. Today, in my third entry I want share you about interesting place in Eng...